What is the kaleidoscope visual therapy?


Kaleidoscope visual therapy can help bring calmness, focus, and relaxation to you. It can also decrease stress.

Ancient traditions have long held that varying wavelengths of different colors contain healing properties. The mandala pattern found in the kaleidoscope has also been used in ancient meditations.

Kaleidoscope therapy has also been demonstrated to help with focus, and lower blood pressure and heart rate in children.

In Dr. Hiotomo Ochi’s book titled “Healing and Kaleidoscopes”, published in 2002 in Japan, he discussed a finding that showed unfocused children were able to be focused for up to 2 hours simply by watching a kaleidoscope for 2 minutes. The activity also lowered the children’s blood pressure, heart rate, and stabilized their excitability levels.

Light entering our eyes affects the autonomic nervous system through the second non-visual route, connecting the eye to the pineal gland. Some of these nerves leave the eye and are transmitted to the spinal cord. These pulses enter the sympathetic nervous system and back up to the pineal gland.

These colors generate electrical impulses and magnetic currents or fields of energy that active the hormonal and biochemical processes in the human body. These stimulate and bring balance to the body system.

Through using the kaleidoscope visuals, it can help for relaxation and calmness.